Best Indie Movie Poster of 2016 / by Mike Koelsch

Well, it's been a while since I've been on my site or writing about anything.  The year is quickly coming to an end and I'm happy to say I was awarded the "BEST MOVIE POSTER of the YEAR" by CUT PRINT and the poster also made it on the BEST LIST on

Thanks to Anna Biller for thinking of me and working with me to make a beautiful poster.  It's great to give homage to the old movie posters of the past.  While I don't really hold a candle to some of those great illustrators. . .  it's nice to see that some people still appreciate "painted illustrative posters" and not all that Photoshop craziness.

Thanks again to Anna and everyone else that had a hand in making this poster!

“Representing the cinematic beauty & vintage-style on display in the film itself, this is hands-down the best poster of the year.”